Agente expansivo No explosivo

DEXPAN es un seguro y silencioso agente demoledor el cual es completamente diferente a los métodos ordinarios para demolición, como los explosivos y otros materiales peligrosos. DEXPAN es un polvo con una capacidad extremadamente expansiva, cuando es mezclado con agua común. Esto ayuda a que el trabajo sea más eficiente y menos costoso.

How To Break Up Concrete With Chemicals – Upgraded …

Drill to approximately 80 percent of the concrete's depth. The drilling should create a grid of holes on your surface. You may need to drill a few extra holes to give the demolition grout a place to expand to. Mix your solution. You will need to mix one and a half liters of cold water with an 11-pound bag of Dexpan.

Breaking Apart the Toughest Rocks

Simply lay out a 12-in. grid where you want to cleave the granite, bore the holes, mix the Dexpan, fill holes, and wait 24 hours for the magic. With a rock drill Dave prepares holes for the Dexpan. We had perfect results with the Shark's Tooth and mixed results with the Thermal Bridge. The prescribed 24-hour dry time was too short for us but ...


Dexpan est une poudre non toxique qui offre une alternative simple, sûre et écologique au dynamitage, aux marteaux-piqueurs ou à l'équipement lourd. Pas de bruit. PAS de …


Dexpan 44 lb. Bucket Type 2 (50F-77F) Expansive Demolition Grout for Concrete Rock Breaking and Removal. Model# DEXPAN44BKT2 (27) $ 194 26. Dexpan 11 lb. Bucket …

Dexpan 44 lb. Bucket Type 2 (50F-77F) Expansive Demolition …

Concrete Demolition and Rock Breaking has never been easier with Dexpan Expansive Demolition Grout. Dexpan is a powder with amazing 18,000 psi expansive strength when mixed with water. Poured into drilled holes, Dexpan can break concrete and rocks safely and quietly, while providing silent cracking. It is safer, easier and more cost effective.

Dexpan Non-Explosive Expansive Demolition Grout

Up to 30% Off Wholesale Discounts! Dexpan Non-Explosive Expansive Demolition Grout for sale. Easy concrete removal, rock breaking, cracking and splitting. Get rid of unwanted concrete or rock without blasting, jackhammer, hydraulic breaker or other heavy equipment. No noise! No vibration! No sweat! Easy to use, 3 simple steps: drill, mix and pour.

Alternative Concrete Demolition Techniques

Dexpan costs under $100 for a 44-pound bag that will fill 35 lineal feet of 1 1/2-inch holes Micro-blasting Breaking concrete from the outside requires overcoming its compressive strength. If, however, it can be broken from within, it's only necessary to overcome the tensile strength which is about 15% of the compressive strength.

Баумит Бетон |

Baumit Beton B20 Универсална суха смес за малки ремонтни работи вкъщи или в градината Универсална суха смес, особено подходяща за малки ремонтни работи, вкъщи или в градината. При спазване на технологичните изисквания на разбъркване и полагане, якостта на натиск на свързалия разтвор след 28-ия ден е минимум 20 …

Non--Explosive Controlled Demolition AgentExplosive …

or other method, make sure Dexpan® is completely dissolved into the water. Mix to a slurry. 3) Filling Clean holes before filling. Using an air hose to remove excess dust from drilling. Dexpan® slurry should be poured into holes within 10-15 minutes after mixing. Do not fill to the top, only fill the holes about 1/2 to 1

Conforms to ANSI Z400.1-2004 Standard (United States, …

DEXPAN (Non-Explosive Demolition Agent) Material Safety Data Sheet 1 . Product and company identification Common name DEXPAN (Non-Explosive Demolition Agent) For controlled demolition, reinforced concrete cutting, rock breaking, quarrying, stone dimension, mining, excavating... Material uses In case of emergency ::: Supplier/Manufacturer : (505 ...

Dexpan Expansive Demolition Grout 11 lb. bucket for Rock …

Dexpan is a powder with amazing 18,000 psi expansive strength when mixed with water. Poured into pre-drilled holes, Dexpan can break concrete and rocks safely and quietly, while providing silent cracking. It is safe, easy and cost effective. Call us Now! 575-528-5454 3 easy steps to use: drill, mix and pour. Watch instruction video

Төмөр бетон дам нуруу: төрөл, онцлог

дам нуруу хамгийн алдартай төрөл угсрах зураг төсөл, хүнд бетоны марк гаргасан байна гэж үзэж байна. Энэ нь хангалттай хүчтэй, өндөр гүйцэтгэлийг байна угсралт нэн даруй бэлэн болсон байна. Шалны цацраг төмөр бетон ГОСТ 28737-90: барилгын төрөл Барилгын салбарт хэлтэс хэлбэр төрлөөр нь дам нуруу байдаг:


Dexpan 44 lb. Bucket Type 2 (50F-77F) Expansive Demolition Grout for Concrete Rock Breaking and Removal. Model# DEXPAN44BKT2 (27) $ 194 26. Dexpan 11 lb. Bucket Type 3 (23F-50F) Expansive Demolition Grout for Concrete Rock Breaking and Removal. Model# DEXPAN11BKT3 (260) $ 62 76. Project Guide.


Dexpan 44 lb. Box Type 2 (50F-77F) Expansive Demolition Grout for Concrete Rock Breaking and Removal. Model# DEXPAN44BOX2 (169) $ 155 70. Dexpan 44 lb. Bucket …

Dexpan Expansive Demolition Grout 44 lb. box for Concrete …

Dexpan is a powder with amazing 18,000 psi expansive strength when mixed with water. Poured into pre-drilled holes, Dexpan can break concrete and rocks safely and quietly, while providing silent cracking. It is safe, easy and cost effective. Call us Now! 575-528-5454 3 easy steps to use: drill, mix and pour. Watch instruction video

Non--Explosive Controlled Demolition AgentExplosive …

Archer Company USA Inc is the manufacturer of Dexpan® Toll -Free: 11--866866--272272-43784378 Web: Tel: +1-575-874-9188 (USA) ® Page nced y Dexpan Non--Explosive Controlled Demolition AgentExplosive Controlled Demolition Agent By providing silent expansive cracking For Demolition, Reinforced Concrete Cutting, …


Dexpan is most effective when adjoining drilled holes are equal depth allowing them to work "together." 10. Impatience. Give Dexpan a full 24 to 48 hours to achieve …

Alternative Concrete Demolition Techniques

Dexpan costs under $100 for a 44-pound bag that will fill 35 lineal feet of 1 1/2-inch holes. Micro-blasting. Breaking concrete from the outside requires overcoming its compressive strength. If, however, it can be broken from within, it's only necessary to overcome the tensile strength which is about 15% of the compressive strength.