word choice

0. "Variation of" is used to compare two things that doesn't necessarily mean the same thing. "Cognac is a French variation of Brandy". While "variation in" is talking about slight differences in the objects. Levels, amount and so on. When you're referencing the properties of nerve cells, they become the object and as far as I can tell, you'd use.


Definitions of variation noun the process of varying or being varied see more noun an instance of change; the rate or magnitude of change synonyms: fluctuation see more …

What is variation and its types?

Variation arises due to crossing over, recombination, mutation & environmental effects on the expression of genes present on chromosomes. Types of variation. Somatogenic Variations: These are variations that affect the somatic or body cells of the organisms.

VARIATION (noun) definition and synonyms | Macmillan …

variation. plural. variations. DEFINITIONS 2. 1. singular/uncountable the existence of differences in amount, number, level, form etc. wide/considerable variation: There is considerable variation in size, method of construction, and design. It's an issue around which there is a wide variation of opinion.

Causes of variation

Genetic and environmental variation. Characteristics in an individual organism are caused by both genetic and environmental variation. For example, the weight of a dog is caused partly by its ...


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    WebДэлгэц Grabber Pro Дэлгэц шүүрч авах Pro нь Windows 10-тэй сайн ажилладаг бичлэгийн програм хангамжийн мэргэжлийн хэсэг бөгөөд програм нь хэрэглэгчдэд …

Coefficient of Variation

The volatility of the stock is 10%, and the expected return is 14%. ETFs: Another option is an Exchange-Traded Fund (ETF) which tracks the performance of the S&P 500 index. The ETF offers an expected return of 13% with a volatility of 7%. Bonds: Bonds with excellent credit ratings offer an expected return of 3% with 2% volatility.

Бидний тухай

Манай дэлгэц нь Улаанбаатар хотын яг төв цэгт, Чингисийн талбайн чанх эсрэг талд байрлах маш олон хүний урсгал төвлөрсөн, байнгын ачаалалтай замын хөдөлгөөнтэй газар байрладаг.

Heredity: Inheritance & Variation of Traits

Environmental as well as genetic variation and the relative dominance of each of the genes in a pair play an important role in how traits develop within an individual. Complex relationships between genes and interactions of genes with the environment determine how an organism will develop and function.

Variation Definition & Meaning | Dictionary

the act, process, or accident of varying in condition, character, or degree: Prices are subject to variation. an instance of this: There is a variation in the quality of fabrics in this shipment. amount, rate, extent, or degree of change: a temperature variation of 40° in a particular climate. a different form of something; variant. Music.


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44 Synonyms & Antonyms of VARIATION

noun Definition of variation 1 as in version a distinct treatment of something (as a story or a play) the movie begins with a somewhat irreverent variation on the Nativity story Synonyms & Similar Words Relevance version interpretation take riff adaptation translation 2 …

Variation (Algebra 2, Rational expressions) – Mathplanet

Variation problems involve fairly simple relationships or formulas, involving one variable being equal to one term. Here follows the most common kinds of variation. The constant of variation in a direct variation is the constant (unchanged) ratio of two variable quantities. In the following equation y varies directly with x, and k is called the ...

Calculus of variations | Definition, Examples, & Facts

calculus of variations, branch of mathematics concerned with the problem of finding a function for which the value of a certain integral is either the largest or the smallest possible. Many problems of this kind are easy to state, but their solutions commonly involve difficult procedures of the differential calculus and differential equations. The isoperimetric …

Appendix:Variations of "a"

A The letter " a " is subject to a wide range of variations through the addition of diacritics, ligatures, capitalization, punctuation, use as a suffix or prefix, and use in different scripts. These include: Contents 1 Capitalization, punctuation, prefix and suffix 2 Diacritics 2.1 Diacritics with punctuation 2.2 Vietnamese diacritics 3 Ligatures

Variation: Introduction, Types of Variation, Questions

Variations can be of different types according to the pattern of changing or relationships of variables. Types of Variation In a variation if variables change proportionately i.e. they either increase or decrease together then it is direct variations. Therefore, if X is in direct variation with Y, then you can symbolically write it as X α Y.

Vibronic point level detection | Endress+Hauser

Vibronic point level detection offers safe overfill prevention in liquids and bulk solids in every industry. The second line of defense guarantees the highest degree of safety and availability of the switches. Liquiphant stands for reliable switching unaffected by: changing media properties, turbulences, , vibrations or build-up.