Indo Bara Pratama coal mine

As of 2016, PT Indo Bara Pratama owns the coal concession. Kalimantan Gold Corp Limited, a Canadian mining firm, said it had signed an option agreement for the coal deposit and acquisition of up to 80 percent of the firm. The details of the transaction and state of mine operations remain uncertain. Mine Details. Sponsor: PT Indo Bara Pratama

Alamjaya Bara Pratama (ABP) coal mine

The Alamjaya Bara Pratama (ABP) coal mine is an open-pit mine, operated by PT Alamjaya Bara Pratama, owned primarily by Silvi Agustina in Loa Kulu, Kutai Kartanegara Regency, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. [1] Contents 1 Location 2 Background 3 Mine Details 4 Articles and resources 4.1 References 4.2 Related …


PT Coalindo Energy was established in May 12, 2006 with the full support from the management of Indonesian Coal Mining Association (ICMA). The company started initially with three products which are ICI-1 (6500 Kcal/Kg), ICI-2 (5800 Kcal/Kg), and ICI-3 …

Muhammad Dimaz Pratama

PT Sumatera Bara Utama. Jun 2022 - Saat ini9 bulan. Lahat, South Sumatra, Indonesia. - Test pit. - Develop exploration planning and resource analysis. - Create and update Geological models from actual progress and exploration drilling data. - Make Final PIT designs, annual designs, and monthly designs.


PT. Singlurus Pratama (SGP) was established on December 24, 1993. SGP signed a Coal Concession of Work (CCOW 3rd Generation) with the Government of Republic of …

8 Largest Coal Mines in Indonesia

It is located in East Kalimantan, which most of the coal mines area are under manage by PT Kideco Jaya Agung as the part of the Indika Energy corp since around 1982. Tambang Pasir areas commonly can produce more than 34 million tons of coal mines which take from more than 47.000 hectares of coal mines areas.

Kayan Putra Utama coal mine Report | Wood Mackenzie

Report summary. Kayan Putra Utama Coal (KPUC) is a thermal coal mine located in the Malinau regency, East Kalimantan. The mine's exploration license was approved in 2004 and forms part of a privately owned KPP group. The mine sells most of its coal to Korea, with smaller volumes exported to Japan, Taiwan, Malaysia and India.

best crusher sentralindo jaya

Indocoal Pratama Jaya; Seam Modeling, Coal Resource and Reserve … pt pipit mutiara jaya mining coal owner; best crusher sentralindo jaya. Read more. SBPOSUIJI. pt pipit mutiara jaya coal mining project - stone crusher machine..profil mantimin coal mining pt - crusher machineFind and compare a variety of combustible gas detection ...

Diah Miliarti Redjeki

Director. PT. Mumtaz Jaya Energi Nusantara. Jan 2017 - Present6 years 2 months. Jakarta, Indonesia. - Handling coal trading. - Assist in finding investors to collaborate in operating mines ...


TYPEOFBUSINESS. Type of Business: The business of PT. Singlurus Pratama (SGP) is in the coal production and distribution, having coal mining operation under the coal …

Coal Mining Concessions in KALIMANTAN EAST

Coal Mining Concessions in KALIMANTAN EAST BESbswy Click to buy mining concession map and coordinates for $50 PT Aberta Wigadijaya (540/028/IUP-ER/-PBAT/II/2011) PT Abrar Nusantara (545/62 - IUP EKS/EKONOMI/XII/2009) CV Adella (540/3277/IUP-ER/-PBAT/XII/2010) CV Adella (540/015/IUP-OP/-PBAT/VII/2009) …

List of Mining and Coal Company 2015 | PDF | Jakarta

SINGLURUS PRATAMA LANNA RESOURCES PUBLIC Co, Ltd (THAILAND) 65% Gedung Veteran RI Lt. 8 Unit 003, Kawasan Bisnis Granadha, Plaza 021-25539876; 8307679; 25535119; 25539821, 8311558 singluruspratama@gmail Semanggi, Jl. Jenderal Sudirman Kav. 50, Jakarta Selatan 12930 APBI 021-25535036 29 PKP2B Kalimantan …

pt param utama jaya ore mining

Pt indocoal pratama jaya coal mining has resulted in extensive this field course was held at the pt singlurus pratama coal mine and pt btenir le prix et le supportt indocThe Alamjaya Bara Pratama ABP coal mine is an open pit mine operated by PT Alamjaya Bara Pratama owned primarily by Silvi Agustina with a capacity of 4 million tonnes per annum .

PT Singlurus Pratama | Metal Bulletin Company Database

Established in 1993. PT Singlurus Pratama is involved in the mining of coal products. Address. Gedung Ambhara, Jalan Doktor Saharjo No. 181 A/B Tebet Town, State, Country. Jakarta Seletan, Indonesia Postcode. 12860 ; Basic information; Personnel & Financials; ... PT Indocoal Pratama Jaya, Indonesia, 15.00% PT Harita Jayaraya, Indonesia, 12.00% ...

Lowongan Kerja Kaltim PT FAP Agri Tbk Tahun 2023

Lowongan Kerja Kaltim PT KTC Coal Mining & Energy terbaru Tahun 2023; Lowongan Kerja Kaltim PT Eka Dharma Jaya Sakti Tahun 2023; ... PT FAP Agri Tbk membuka lowongan pekerjaan : 1. Asisten Pembibitan, S1 Pertanian, Pengalaman 3 s/d 4 tahun di pembibitan kelapa sawit, ...

PT Singlurus Pratama | APBI-ICMA

PT Singlurus Pratama Category Coal Mining Companies Phone +62-21-8307679; +62-21-25539876 Fax +62-21-8311558; +62-21-25539821 Website ADDRESS Gedung Veteran RI Lt. 12A Unit 002 Kawasan Bisnis Granadha Plaza Semanggi Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 50 Jakarta Selatan 12460 PRINCIPAL OFFICERS CONTACT INFORMATION …

PT Kaltim Prima Coal – More Than Mining

PT Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC) has won the 2022 Subroto Award, the highest award in the Energy and Mineral Resources Three Aditama Trophies for Good Mining Practices 21/10/2022 ESD Team 0 With the receipt of the GMP Award from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) on Thursday (29/9/2022), the